Navigating the world of cosmetic treatments can sometimes feels like taking a midnight hike on a foggy mountain. Sure, somewhere there's solid ground — but one wrong step and things could go sideways (or downhill) in a second.

Let’s clear up some of that fog! Today, we’re tackling three of the most pervasive myths about injectable treatments for frown lines and wrinkles and sharing some interesting facts along the way.

Myth #1: All Neurotoxin Injections Are the Same

All neurotoxin injection treatments might seem the same on the surface, because they offer the same basic function — releasing the muscles responsible for wrinkles.

But there are actually many differences between the available neurotoxin injection treatments for wrinkles, from a tox’s molecular formulation to its purification process.

Toxins differ by formulation

The formulation of a neurotoxin can have a huge impact on its results. While all ‘tox treatments are made from botulinum toxin type A, other ingredients in the formulation can and do differ.

Most injectable wrinkle treatments include other ingredients, such as buffers and stabilizers. This is why it’s super important to disclose any allergies to your injection specialist — just in case you happen to be allergic to one of the protein complexes in the tox injection you’re planning!

Manufacturing and purification processes vary, too

You know how every baking show contestant has to make the same recipe, but all of their cakes somehow turn out looking totally different? Think of the neurotoxin manufacturing process the same way.

While all injectable neurotoxins are made from the same main ingredient (botulinum toxin type A, in case you already forgot), the way each product is purified and processed can lead to different results and onset times.

For example, Jeuveau's proprietary Hi-Pure™ Technology includes additional manufacturing steps, to create an ultra-pure (at least 95%) tox that’s designed to remain within its field of injection without spreading.

Injections can be fast-acting, long-lasting or both.

Timing is everything, and it’s another way neurotoxin injection treatments can differ. Some treatments work faster than others, and some last longer than others. Comparing tox options? You’ll want to know:

  1. How quickly they start creating visible effects (known as the “onset time”)
  2. How long those effects last (known as the “duration of results”)

Some neurotoxins can produce results within a few days, while others may take a week or more to begin showing on your face. The results of some injections will wear off within a few months, while the effects of others can last up to six months.

That’s why when considering your areas of concern, budget and desired results, your injector will ask, “What’s most important to you?”

Myth #2: Neurotoxin Treatments Are Only For Vain People

First of all, we’d like to be the first to say that there’s nothing wrong with aging OR obsessing about vanity. It’s wonderful to love your own look, especially as you grow older.

And it’s also totally fine to shape the way you want to look — whether by creating your own personal clothing style, experimenting with makeup or choosing cosmetic treatments and procedures.

People schedule injectable treatments for a myriad of reasons. You might choose to proactively begin getting different treatments as a preventive measure. You might book a treatment before a big event like a wedding or school reunion. You might get injections once and never again, or you might look forward to your quarterly standing appointment with your injector.

Our take on it? If injections make you feel more like the best and brightest version of yourself (for us, that’s the version who looks like they got 9 hours of sleep last night), then they’re a great part of your overall beauty routine.

No matter your reason for choosing a cosmetic procedure, it’s your decision. So reject the stigma and feel empowered about your choice!

Myth #3: Injectable Treatments Are Unsafe Or Unnatural

Of course no one wants to put something dangerous in their body. But labeling all injectable treatments as unsafe or unnatural is like saying “All snack foods are unhealthy!” Tell that to my bag of baby carrots.

Every injectable treatment, including Jeuveau, is backed by rigorous testing and must be FDA-approved before it becomes available for consumer use. They don't just hand those approvals out like free samples at a supermarket, y’all. There are years of clinical studies and documentation behind every injectable cosmetic treatment.

The active ingredient in neurotoxins - botulinum toxin - is a substance found in nature that has been refined into a purified protein and finished aesthetic product. When correctly administered,  it is well-tolerated by most people.

Common side effects can include bruising or swelling at the injection site, headache and eyelid or brow drooping. Of course, there can also be serious risks with neurotoxins. Rarely, injections can spread from their targeted site and cause more serious side effects.

So much for those myths. Let's do a quick recap, shall we?

Not all neurotoxin injections are created equal. And they definitely don’t need to look unnatural.

While all neurotoxin treatments share the same goal — to help release facial wrinkles and give you a more relaxed, refreshed look — their differences are key. Having the right information when you’re comparing injectable wrinkle treatments is incredibly important. Thanks for taking the time to read through these myths and learn the truth!